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Adult Industry News

We now are offering immediate service if payments are made through your PayPal account to editor@ainews.xxx. No more waiting for snail mail! No more waiting for your checks to clear! For a 5% charge do it now and watch it happen. Start to benefit from your advertising immediately!
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Since 1998 Adult Industry News has been busy getting the word out about what is going on in the world of adult entertainment. In that time we have built up an audience of tens of thousands of readers per day from around the world who are serious about keeping informed of these happenings. If your business relies on reaching these people, AINews is where you need to get your message out.

We have advertising solutions for every budget, and are able to tailor an advertising strategy that fit your goals. For the extremely budget minded we offer a press release service* that costs you nothing, and gets your message to our audience. For those looking to promote your brand name we also offer attractive ad banner rates that are designed to allow you to monitor their performance. We offer discounts on a case by case basis.

Text links are also available and are on all visible articles, plus about 3,000 more in our database of over 20,000 articles. We have up to three text links available for $100/month each.

* We do not guarantee a submitted press release will be published to the AINews site. All stories are subject to a variety of factors, such as relevance and openings in what stories will be published. On a slow news day you may be in luck, on a busy day you may get passed by. Just the nature of the site.

Front Page Advertising

Front Page Ad Banner Placement Options

The following prices apply only to ad banners that run on our Front Page:

SLOT Price per Month
# 1 (2 for the price of 1)
Same Banner, Top and Bottom Slots
# 2
Prime Real Estate
# 3
Best Value, Best Visability
# 4
Our LARGEST Space Available
# 5
Our First Most Popular
# 6
Our Second Most Popular
  • Our front page is the prime real estate seen by most users.
  • Banners here have the highest impression rates.
  • Advertisers may host their own banner image so that they may track impressions as well as click throughs from their own web logs. We want you to see for yourself how we perform.
  • All banner graphics must adhere to our strict no-nudity policy.

Story Advertising

Now we get to where the action is, our story pages. These are the pages that enjoy fantastic indexing in Google and other search engines. It's also where our readers stop and, well, read.

We've broken down the story pages into two distinct buying categories. You can purchase a slot to have your banner show up when a story from any section is read (All Stories pricing), or focus in on an audience with interests in a specific section (Single Section of Stories pricing).

Please note, advertisements for our Front Page and our Stories are separate purchases.

All Stories
SLOT Price per Month
# 1 (2 for the price of 1)
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5
  • Advertising on all stories amounts to OVER TEN TIMES THE EXPOSURE for only three times the price as a single section.
  • Put your banner into the rotation on every single story (over 20,000) that AINews has published.
  • These are the highest impression-rate slots we offer.
  • Pre-pay several months in advance for great discounts!
Single Section of Stories
SLOT Price per Month
# 1 $200
# 2 $150
# 3 $100
# 4 $100
# 5 $100
  • Single-Section advertising is our most economical banner advertisement model.
  • Focus in on the market you're most interested in getting your message to.
  • Run an ad for as short as a month, or as long as a year.
  • For as little as $100 per month you can brand your product to a diversity of users.
Story Ad Banner Placement Options
Terms and Conditions

The primary focus of these rules are to insure everyone is playing fair and that the AINews audience is presented a clean and easy to navigate site.
Billing Details
  • When the check clears, the banner goes up.
  • For returning advertisers we allow a 7 day grace period for late payment before we take down your banner. You, the client, is responsible for payment for this 7 day period, unless notice of cancelation is received before the due date.
  • We offer a money back guarantee in the event of technical issues on our end that prevented your banner from being seen.
  • Other than technical issues on our end, all sales are final once the banner enters rotation.
  • The minimum time frame you may purchase is 1 month.
  • The maximum is 1 year.
  • At present we offer a flat/fixed monthly fee only. No pay-per-click, etc.
  • We do not offer "cross advertising". Example: You host a banner for us, we'll host one for you. All banner slots are paid for, not traded. (Non-profits and charities please contact us for consideration.)
Banner Policies
  • AINews has a strict no-nudity policy, which applies to our advertising banners as well. We love sexy banners, but we leave the actual showing of the naughty bits to providers of that content.
  • Our nudity policy extends to a matter of taste as well. All banners must be approved by AINews staff prior to being put into rotation. We reserve the right to pull any banner that we consider too risque.
  • Banners with rapid strobe-like animation are not allowed. Banners like this do not generate a greater response, but they do negatively impact the site and the value of other advertising on it. This is a matter of interpretation which AINews staff will evaluate on a case-by-case basis.
  • We do not offer, nor do we plan to, Macromedia Flash ad banners.
  • We do not offer, nor will we ever offer, pop up or pop behind window ads.
  • Advertising images can be hosted on the advertiser's web site. We want you to be able to measure your own impression results. However, changing the banner to be displayed without approval from AINews staff will result in your banner being pulled from rotation. Money will not be refunded for a violation of this policy.
  • Images must adhere to either the agreed upon sizes or be specifically approved by AINews staff. We can be flexible on this, but only to a point. Like any website, we have layout issues to consider.
Banner Sizes

Example Banner Banner Size
Example 468 x 60 Banner 468 x 60
Example 120 x 60 Banner 120 x 60
Example 120 x 600 Banner 120 x 600
Example 120 x 120 Banner 120 x 120
Example 120 x 240 Banner 120 x 240
Example 245 x 658 Banner Non-standard sized banners are also available on a case by case basis. These banners usually have to be hard-coded into the site and are reserved for serious long term rentals. This banner is 245 x 658.

Contact Us!
Adult Industry News Sales Manager <salesmanager@ainews.xxx> Send Press Releases Here, not to Sales: <editor@ainews.xxx>

Copyright © 1998 - 2020 Adult Industry News (AINews.xxx)
All materials constituting text, articles, press releases, stories, columns, photographs, graphics, and code on the AINews.xxx domain are protected by copyright, and either owned by Adult Industry News (AINews.xxx), or reproduced with permission from other copyright owners. It may be downloaded and printed for personal reference, but not otherwise copied, altered in any way, or transmitted to others, without the written permission of Adult Industry News (AINews.xxx).