November 05, 2012 07:06pm
No on B: Here's Why
Source: All Media Play
by: Company Press Release
(LOS ANGELES, CA) -- Vote No on Measure B - No on Government Waste! Stop wasting tax dollars! On Nov. 6 voters in Los Angeles County will decide whether actors in pornographic movies filmed locally must wear condoms when they shoot a sex scene with Measure B.
It sounds like a positive idea and one that would protect the health and safety of adult movie performers and the general community… at least that is what those who have organized this measure want you to think. However, it is truly about government waste, control of an industry and revenue rather than an issue of workplace safety because due to the industry’s own heath and testing services that have been in place for over a decade, there has not been a problem with HIV as the fear-mongering proponents would like you to believe. As a matter of fact it is a myth that the straight adult movie industry has ever had an HIV problem because all of the facts and scientific studies show otherwise.
"Measure B is a huge waste of taxpayers’ money and in an era of state and local governments running deficits, it is important not to allow smoke and mirror politics to spend any more tax money ‘solving problems’ that do not exist," stated movie director will Ryder.
"That alone should be enough to vote no but if I knew there was any type of HIV problem I would be the first to back this but sadly this is a well-financed outside opponent fighting for control of this entire industry and they do not care how many tax dollars they waste to see their agenda come to fruition. Can LA County really afford millions of dollars over the next couple of years policing something so insane? I say vote no just on the millions of tax dollars it will cost to enforce."
Measure B is an ill-conceived effort to require mandatory condom usage on adult film sets but instead will destroy the nation’s most advanced testing program and replace it with a patchwork government program that will cost taxpayers money on silly things like condom police. Do we really want to spend millions of taxpaying dollars policing something that truly does not have a problem?
The ballot designers would like voters to believe that the adult movie industry is rampant with disease including HIV and that the performers have no voice or choice but the truth is completely the opposite and the great majority of performers are voting no. Attorney Michael Fattorosi said stated, "The voters of Los Angeles County are going to be asked to decide a ballot measure about the sexual rights of a small inclusive community within its borders, a community that is often misunderstood and rarely given a voice, a community that is publicly shunned but privately enjoyed, a community that has fought for its right to exist through years of struggles, court battles and legislation. Those that make up this community only want one thing: The right to choose for themselves how to live and work."
"Michael Weinstein (of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation) wants the voters to believe that the adult industry in Los Angeles is a cesspool of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases. He is playing the fear mongering card, that somehow, if not stopped, the porn industry will infect the rest of Los Angeles. This is a familiar argument to the gay community; this is the argument that was used against them when the world first learned of HIV."
Noting that violations of Measure B could lead to criminal charges and prison time, even for couples and single women welcoming in their own homes, he opined as to what AIDS Healthcare Foundation president Michael Weinstein's agenda was really about.
"Michael Weinstein... wants to use the industry and their products to send a message. He wants to use porn for nothing more than product placement. That message and that product are condoms. Yet he calls it a workers safety issue. Instead of government representatives, workplace safety experts, physicians and industry representatives working together to develop a comprehensive plan to protect performers without infringing on First Amendment rights, Mr. Weinstein is asking the voters of Los Angeles County to decide workers safety laws. This is unprecedented in California. The public does not and should not vote on the height of scaffolding or the guards on chainsaws. As an industry, we only want the right to decide this issue for ourselves and not have it forced upon us. Performers should have the right to choose. They want their sexual rights.... Measure B is an attack on the industry, it is an attack on performers, it is an attack on the Constitution, it is an attack on the sexual rights of all Americans that want—no, demand—that the government and those like Weinstein stay out of their bedroom."
If Measure B is not defeated, it will waste taxpayers’ money, cause severe damage to the adult film industry and potentially drive it underground where no testing would be required.
Vote No on Measure B because we all agree on No on Government Waste. There is so much wrong with this and we just cannot afford to waste any more money! Cited: AVN Magazine, and
Vote No on Measure B - No on Government Waste!